Linux cheatsheet
Sorting MinIO objects
mc find --older-than 0 --larger 10000 --json s3
Sorting with jq
mc ls -r --json s3/ | jq --slurp 'sort_by(.lastModified) | .[] | select(.key | contains("filenamepart"))'
kubectl debug -it --image=ubuntu:latest -n my-ns pod/mypod --target=my-cont --profile=sysadmin -- /bin/bash
AWS log insight - Find size of log stream in log group
fields @logStream, @message
| stats count() as logEventCount, sum(strlen(@message))/1048576 as totalSizeKiloBytes by @logStream
AWS log insight - Find size per useragent
fields @timestamp, userAgent
| stats count(*) as log_count by userAgent
| sort log_count desc
Find Terraform "will be re-read during apply" reason
# Input file containing the full text output of the plan
# Output files for each split section
# Initialize variables
awk '
file_number = 1;
out_file = sprintf("%s_%d.txt", "'$output_file_prefix'", file_number);
empty_line = 0;
/^$/ {
# Flag that we encountered an empty line
empty_line = 1;
/^ #/ {
if (empty_line == 1) {
# Only increment the file number if the previous line was empty
out_file = sprintf("%s_%d.txt", "'$output_file_prefix'", file_number);
# Reset empty line flag after processing
empty_line = 0;
print > out_file;
' "$input_file"
for i in $(grep -Lir "known after apply" split_part*); do
echo "Found: $i"
cat $i